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East Asian Studies 484


e-Asia Digital Library by University of Oregon Library
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) (アジア歴史資料センター)
Provides full-text and digital images of historical records and manuscripts from 1860’s to mid 1940’s related to Japan-Asia relations. Searchable by English, Chinese or Korean.
National Archives of Japan (国立公文書館)
Includes official documents since the Edo government and other historically significant books and manuscripts.
The most extensive and comprehensive digital resource site for Japanese history
International Research Center for Japanese Studies ( 国際日本文化研究センター・ 日文研データベース)
A variety of the center's databases for historical resources; strong in visual information.
National Museum of Japanese History (国立歴史民俗博物館)
The museum is digitizing its primary documents and compiling bibliographies and a collection catalog
Periodical I ndex / Occupation Period ( 占領期雑誌記事情報データベース )
Index of the most complehensive collection of periodicals (over 13,000 titles) issued in Japan from 1945 – 1949.
Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies ( ハーバード大学ライシャワー日本研究所 )
Includes schools, research institutes, libraries, reference tools, news media, government and legal sites, history archives, teaching and language learning sites, scholarships, jobs, etc.