PN-General Literature

Title / author

Call number

The near-death of the author : creativity in the internet age / John Potts.

PN 145 . P628 2023

The way they were : how epic battles and bruised egos brought a classic Hollywood love story to the screen / Robert Hofler.

PN 1997. W39 H65 2023

On paradox : the claims of theory / Elizabeth S. Anker.

PN 228. P2 A554 2022

The story of fictional truth : realism from the death to the rise of the novel / Paul Dawson.

PN 3331 . D39 2023

Who makes the franchise? : essays on fandom and wilderness texts in popular media / edited by Rhonda Knight and Donald Quist.

PN 3377. 5. F33 W46 2022

Animals in detective fiction / Ruth Hawthorn, John Miller, editors.

PN 56. A64 A55 2022

Geographical imaginations : literature and the 'spatial turn' / Indranil Acharya and Ujjwal Kumar Panda.

PN 56. G48 A24 2022

Madness, language, literature / Michel Foucault translated by Robert Bononno edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, and Judith Revel introduction by Judith Revel.

PN 56. M45 F68 2023

Conversation at Princeton / Mario Vargas Llosa with Rubén Gallo translated from the Spanish by Anna Kushner

PN 59 . V3813 2023

Blockheads, beagles, and sweet babboos : new perspectives on Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts / Michelle Ann Abate.

PN 6728. P4 A33 2023

Understanding Korean webtoon culture : transmedia storytelling, digital platforms, and genres / Dal Yong Jin.

PN 6790. K6 J56 2023