Non-PN, PR, PS Call Number Ranges

* D – History ; G– Geography ; HQ– The family ; N – Fine arts ; PE-English Language ; PG-Slavic literature (translation) ; PH – Finno-Urgic languages and literatures (translation); PJ-Semitic languages and literatures (translation); PQ-Romance languages and literatures (translation) ; PQ-Germanic languages and literatures (translation); QC- Physics ; RC – Internal medicine ; Z - Books and writing

Title / author

Call number

Border : a journey to the edge of Europe / Kapka Kassabova.

DR 50.8 .K37 2017

Writing Tudor exploration : Richard Eden and West Africa / Matthew Dimmock.

DT 356 .D56 2022

The ship beneath the ice : the discovery of Shackleton's Endurance / Mensun Bound.

G 530.E64 B68 2023

Who does that bitch think she is? : Doris Fish and the rise of drag / Craig Seligman.

HQ 76.98.F57 S45 2023

All the beauty in the world : the Metropolitan Museum of Art and me / Patrick Bringley.

N 610 .B75 2023

The forest : a fable of America in the 1830s / Alexander Nemerov.

NX 180.S6 N46 2023

Praise songs for Dave the potter : art and poetry for David Drake / edited and with an introduction by P. Gabrielle Foreman  foreword by Kwame Dawes  afterword by Evie Shockley.

NX 652.D28 P73 2023

Next generation genres : teaching writing for civic and academic engagement / Jessica Singer Early.

PE 1404 .E25 2023

Small fry and other stories / Anton Chekhov  translated by Stephen Pimenoff.

PG 3456.A13 P56 2022

Chekhov becomes Chekhov : the emergence of a literary genius, 1886-1887 / Bob Blaisdell.

PG 3458 .B53 2022

The people immortal / Vasily Grossman ; translated from the Russian by Robert Chandler and Elizabeth Chandler ; original Russian text edited by Julia Volohova ; introduction and afterword by Robert Chandler and Julia Volohova

PG 3476.G7 N313 2022

The fawn / Magda Szabó ; translated from the Hungarian by Len Rix

PH 3351.S592 O913 2023

Translating the monster : Volter Kilpi in orbit beyond (un)translatability / by Douglas Robinson.

PH 355.K52 A78376 2023eb

Al-Qata'i' : Ibn Tulun's city without walls : a novel / Reem Bassiouney ; translated from the Arabic by Roger Allen

PJ 7816.A768 Q2813 2023

Forbidden notebook : a novel / Alba de Céspedes ; translated by Ann Goldstein

PQ 4809.E75 Q313 2023

Abyss / Pilar Quintana ; translated from the Spanish by Lisa Dillman

PQ 8180.427.U53 A6413 2023

Cantigas : Galician-Portuguese troubadour poems / translated by Richard Zenith.

PQ 9163.E6 C36 2022

The liquid land / Raphaela Edelbauer ; translated from the German by Jen Calleja

PT 2705.D455 L57 2023

Rombo / Esther Kinsky ; translation by Caroline Schmidt

PT 2711.I67 R6613 2022

Herostories / Kristín Svava Tómasdottír ; translated by K.B. Thors

PT 7513.K747 H47 2022

Just a mother / Roy Jacobsen ; translated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett and Don Shaw

PT 8951.2.A385 B3713 2023

Euphoria / Elin Cullhed ; translated by Jennifer Hayashida

PT 9877.13.U45 E8413 2022

The climate book / created by Greta Thunberg.

QC 903 .T59 2023

The undying : pain, vulnerability, mortality, medicine, art, time, dreams, data, exhaustion, cancer, and care / Anne Boyer.

RC 280.B8 B645 2019

Asian classics on the Victorian bookshelf : flights of translation / Alexander Bubb.

Z 1003.5.G7 B83 2023

The spaces of bookselling : stores, streets, and pages / Kristen Doyle Highland.

Z 471 .H54 2023

Supporting people to live well with dementia : a guide for library services / Sarah McNicol.

Z 711.92.M4 M36 2023

Libraries in the manuscript age / edited by Nuria de Castilla, François Déroche and Michael Friedrich

Z 721 .L53 2023

Owning books and preserving documents in Medieval Jerusalem : the library of Burhan Al-Din / Said Aljoumani and Konrad Hirschler.

Z 997.2.I75 J86 2023