PS - American Literature
Title / author |
Call # |
Adelaide / Genevieve Wheeler. |
PS3623.H42966 A73 2023 |
The age of secrets / Olena Jennings. |
PS3610.E5612 A34 2022 |
Aisle 228 : poems / Sandra Marchetti. |
PS3613.A7343 A57 2023 |
American gospel : a novel in three parts / Miah Jeffra. |
PS3610.E373 A64 2023 |
Arranging grief : sacred time and the body in nineteenth-century America / Dana Luciano. |
PS217.G75 L83 2007eb |
B/RDS / Béatrice Szymkowiak ; foreword by Monica Youn |
PS3619.Z964 B27 2023 |
Bending into the light / Alice Attie. |
PS3601.T7854 B36 2023 |
Beyond this harbor : adventurous tales of the heart / Rose Styron. |
PS3569.T89 Z46 2023 |
Box office gospel : poems / Marissa Glover. |
PS3607.L686 B69 2023 |
A cage to welcome : poems / Shana Youngdahl. |
PS3625.O97445 C35 2023 |
Cairns / Philip Memmer illustrated by John Fitzsimmons. |
PS3613.E475 C35 2022 |
Calligraphies : poems / Marilyn Hacker. |
PS3558.A28 C35 2023 |
The celebrants : a novel / Steven Rowley. |
PS3618.O888 C45 2023 |
The complete magazine stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1921-1924 / edited by Alexandra Mitchell and Jennifer Nolan. |
PS3511.I9 C66 2023 |
The court of no record : poems / Jenny Molberg. |
PS3613.O445 C68 2023 |
The covenant of water : a novel / Abraham Verghese. |
PS3622.E744 C68 2023 |
Day swallows night / Brenda Nicholas, poems. |
PS3614.I334 D39 2023 |
Deep as the sky, red as the sea : a novel / Rita Chang-Eppig. |
PS3603.H357535 D44 2023 |
A description of acquaintance : the letters of Laura Riding and Gertrude Stein, 1927-1930 / Logan Esdale and Jane Malcolm. |
PS3537.T323 Z48 2023 |
The dissident / Paul Goldberg. |
PS3607.O4434 D57 2023 |
Doña Cleanwell leaves home : stories / Ana Castillo |
PS3553.A8135 D66 2023 |
Dykette : a novel / Jenny Fran Davis. |
PS3604.A96223 D95 2023 |
Elsewhere : stories / Yan Ge. |
PS3607.E86 E93 2023 |
Every day is to-day : essential writings / Gertrude Stein selected and introduced by Francesca Wade. |
PS3537.T323 A6 2023 |
Fever of unknown origin / Campbell McGrath. |
PS3563.C3658 F48 2023 |
Fictions of finance at the end of an American century : punctuating capital / Richard Godden. |
PS374.C36 G63 2023 |
Fighting over there : U.S. war making and contemporary refugee literature / Alaina Kaus. |
PS228.W37 K38 2023 |
Games and rituals : stories / Katherine Heiny. |
PS3608.E3823 G36 2023 |
Glancing visions : surface and depth in nineteenth-century American literature / Zachary Tavlin. |
PS217.V57 T38 2023 |
The guest : a novel / Emma Cline. |
PS3603.L547 G84 2023 |
The guest lecture : a novel / Martin Riker. |
PS3618.I532 G84 2023 |
Halcyon : a novel / Elliot Ackerman. |
PS3601.C5456 H35 2023 |
Hang the moon : a novel / Jeannette Walls. |
PS3623.A3644 H36 2023 |
Hyperphantasia / Sara Deniz Akant. |
PS3601.K36 H97 2022 |
La quinta soledad / a novel by Silviana Wood. |
PS3623.O6427 Q56 2022 |
Leaving other people alone : diaspora, Zionism, and Palestine in contemporary Jewish fiction / Aaron Kreuter. |
PS153.J4 K77 2023 |
Loot / Tania James. |
PS3610.A458 L66 2023 |
Lucky dogs : a novel / Helen Schulman. |
PS3569.C5385 L83 2023 |
Lyric poetry and space explorations from Einstein to the present / Margaret Greaves. |
PS310.S33 G74 2023 |
The making of another major motion picture masterpiece / Tom Hanks comic book illustrations by R. Sikoryak. |
PS3608.A71522 M35 2023 |
Men & sleep / Jay Besemer. |
PS3602.E775 M46 2023 |
Migrations & other exiles / Letisia Cruz. |
PS3603.R8944 M54 2023 |
Mon dieu, love : a novella / Jane V. Blunschi. |
PS3602.L884 M66 2023 |
Motherworld : a devotional for the alter-life / Destiny Hemphill. |
PS3608.E4884 M68 2023 |
My husband would : poems / Benjamin S. Grossberg. |
PS3607.R656 M9 2020 |
Orphan bachelors : a memoir : on being a confession baby, Chinatown daughter, baa-bai sister, caretaker of exotics, literary balloon peddler, and grand historian of a doomed American family / Fae Myenne Ng. |
PS3564.G25 Z46 2023 |
Pink noise / Kevin Holden. |
PS3608.O483225 P55 2023 |
The prelude / Marty Cain. |
PS3603.A3886 P74 2023 |
A roundtable, unanimous dreamers chime in / Brenda Iijima & Janice Lee. |
PS3559.I35 R68 2023 |
Scrape the velvet from your antlers : poems / Kelly McQuain. |
PS3613.C587474 S37 2023 |
Skeletons / Deborah Landau. |
PS3612.A54755 S54 2023 |
Space junk from the heavenly palace / Rachelle Escamilla. |
PS3605.S33 S63 2023 |
Staging Haiti in nineteenth-century America : revolution, race and popular performance / Peter P. Reed. |
PS338.H35 R44 2023 |
Stem / Lisa Allen Ortiz. |
PS3615.R822 S74 2022 |
Sue Monk Kidd : a collection of critical essays / edited by Deborah J. Kuhlmann foreword by Sue Monk Kidd. |
PS3611.I44 Z86 2023 |
Taking things hard : the trials of F. Scott Fitzgerald / Robert R. Garnett. |
PS3511.I9 Z6256 2023 |
Tamp / Denton Loving. |
PS3612.O874 T36 2023 |
Texas heat and other stories / William Harrison. |
PS3558.A672 T45 2023 |
This far north / Jason Tandon. |
PS3620.A6838 T45 2023 |
Tropical Sacrifice / Lucas de Lima. |
PS3604.E1227 T76 2022 |
Unwinding alphabets: : a book of citations / Donald Wellman. |
PS3573.E465 U59 2022 |
The Velveteen Rabbit At 100 / edited by Lisa Rowe Fraustino. |
PS3503.I193 Z93 2023 |
Vexations / Annelyse Gelman. |
PS3607.E463 V39 2023 |
Vows, veils, and masks : the performance of marriage in the plays of Eugene O'Neill / Beth Wynstra. |
PS3529.N5 Z93 2023 |
We are too many : a memoir [kind of] / Hannah Pittard. |
PS3616.I8845 Z46 2023 |
When your sky runs into mine / Rooja Mohassessy. |
PS3613.O3785 W48 2023 |