Treatment of specific topics by period, special regions, collections by period and form, some individual authors (up to 19th C)
CALL # |
What is American literature? / Ilan Stavans. |
PS88 .S73 2022 |
Asian American literature in transition, 1965-1996 / edited by Asha Nadkarni, Cathy Schlund-Vials. |
PS153.A84 A8155 2021eb |
Black travel writing : contemporary narratives of travel to Africa by African American and black British authors / Isabel Kalous. |
PS153.B53 K35 2022 |
Communion of radicals : the literary Christian left in twentieth-century America / Jonathan McGregor. |
PS153.C47 M34 2021 |
Irish American fiction from World War II to JFK : anxiety, assimilation, and activism / Beth O'Leary Anish. |
PS153.I78 A55 2021 |
The places of modernity in early Mexican American literature, 1848-1948 / José F. Aranda Jr. |
PS153.M4 A727 2022 |
Literature and ethnicity in the cultural borderlands / edited by Jesús Benito, Ana María Manzanas. |
PS153.M4 L57 2002eb |
American war stories : veteran-writers and the politics of memoir / Myra Mendible. |
PS153.V48 M36 2021 |
The preface : American authorship in the twentieth century / Ross K. Tangedal. |
PS221 .T36 2021 |
Vulgar genres : gay pornographic writing and contemporary fiction / Steven Ruszczycky. |
PS228.G38 R87 2021 |
All-electric narratives : time-saving appliances and domesticity in American literature 1945-2020 / Rachele Dini. |
PS228.H68 D56 2022eb |
American revenge narratives : a collection of critical essays / Kyle Wiggins, editor. |
PS228.R48 A44 2018eb |
Poetry & science : writing our way to discovery / edited by Lucille Lang Day. |
PS310.S33 P64 2021 |
The school story : young adult narratives in the age of neoliberalism / David Aitchison. |
PS490 .A37 2022 |
Writing 50 years más o menos amongst the gringos / Dr. Cintli. |
PS508.M4 R54 2021 |
Proud to be : writing by American warriors / edited by Susan Swartwout. |
PS508.S6 P76 2012 |
Fourteen hills : the San Francisco State University review. Vol. 27. |
PS572.S33 F68 2021 |
The future of black : Afrofuturism, black comics, and superhero poetry / edited by Len Lawson, Cynthia Manick, and Gary Jackson. |
PS591.B53 F88 2021 |
Patrice Lumumba : an anthology of writers on black liberation / edited by Michaela Mullin, Noelia Cerna, & Aqueila M. Lewis-Ross curated by Tureeda Mikell & Elena Serrano. |
PS617 .P38 2020 |
The fire this time : African American plays for the 21st century / edited by Harry Elam, Jr. and Robert Alexander. |
PS628.N4 F57 2004 |
The contemporary American essay / edited and with an introduction by Phillip Lopate. |
PS682 .C66 2021 |
The life of Lidian Jackson Emerson / by Ellen Tucker Emerson edited [with an introduction] by Delores Bird Carpenter. |
PS1632 .E48 1992eb |