Use library catalog to determine what treatises we own, how current our copy is, where to find the book(s), and a link ot an online version if available.
Harvard has an excellent collection of prominent treatises listed here:
Each vendor puts (some of) the books they publish on their service. Most major titles are now only on one service.
If you know the name select Browse Sources and search for the title. Otherwise select Secondary Materials under content type and then put in your search terms.
From the initial search screen of Bloomberg Law, click on the database ‘Books and Treatises.’ You may search by publisher or by practice area.
From the initial search screen click on ‘Secondary Sources’ and then ‘Texts and Treatises’ to limit your search to treatises. If you know the title, type it into the search box. If it is available on the Westlaw system, it should 'autofill' i.e. provide the full title for you. Choose that and click the search button to the right of the box.
From the landing page, select Treatise Libraries. You will see a subject listing. Click on your relevant subject to see specific treatise titles.