Over 2,800 major science and technical reference books and databases from major sci-tech publishers including John Wiley & Sons and Elsevier.
The world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Contains over 46 million records, 70% with abstracts, and also includes over 4.6 million conference papers. NOTE: Click "Institutions" icon in right corner. Change organization to Washington University in St Louis John M Olin Library, Danforth Campus.
Online library of U.S. government-sponsored technical reports, acquired, indexed, and archived by the National Technical Information Service. Contains over 2 million titles with links to over 600,000 full-text reports (in PDF). Note: Search to Public NTRL is free but in order to display a full text document you would need to register. Registration is free but Terms and Conditions of use need to be signed.