Journals on language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. Includes the MLA Thesaurus and the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
(1985-)Full-text of 430 political science and international relations journals, many of which are indexed in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Covers the literature of political science and international relations, including such topics as comparative politics, political economy, international development, environmental policy, and hundreds of related topics. Also included are hundreds of recent, full-text, political science dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities, thousands of current working papers from the Political Science Research Network, and more than 700 Oxford Analytica country profiles, from 2008 to current.
Scholarly journals, plus extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other non-periodical content sources. Provides comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. Access provided by the Brown School Library.
Comprehensive index of philosophy books and articles. PhilPapers offers unique features such as real-time indexing of pre-prints, fine-grained classification by topic, email alerts, reading lists, advanced search functionality, and discussion forums.
These tools can help you find full text of an article when you have a citation (Citation Linker) or when you see references to articles or paywalled articles online (Libkey Nomad). They will save you a lot of time!
Dissertations are often a great sources for narrow topics, and they have very lengthy bibliographies where you can discover even more sources.
Citations, abstracts, or full-text access to dissertations and theses.
Note: You cannot request full-text of dissertations or theses via ILLiad from within the database; you can only order them using your own credit card. To request via ILLiad, log in to ILLiad, click on Request a Thesis, and fill out the form.