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Do not kill yet: old general engineering guide

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What are the common steps that you take to research a topic?

  • Articulate your information need.
  • Determine which resources you will use to find information about that topic.
  • Compose an effective search statement.
  • Modify your search statement to get more/fewer/better results.
  • Determine which types of sources meet your information needs.
  • Determine if the information you’ve found is relevant to your research.
  • Evaluate information for credibility, authority, and bias.
  • Synthesize your information sources.
  • Add your own voice to the scholarly conversation.
  • Create a research product that incorporates multiple sources of information.
  • Cite sources.

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Engineering standards are documentation of engineering practices.  These include rules, techniques and conditions for engineering design, industrial practices, units of measurement, terminology, etc. Committees, affiliated with societies or organizations, and made up of specialists from universities and industry write standards. All design engineers rely on standards for guidance and to give authority to their work.

Standards can be mandatory or voluntary. Think of standards as rules for uniformity, size, quality, performance, shape, definition and testing methodology of manufactured products.

WashU Libraries does not actively maintain a standards collection. If you need a standard, contact Lauren Todd for possible purchase.