1. Cite while you write
2. Group Libraries
- Create
- Group types
- 'Added by' column (web library)!
3. Organizing options
- Tags; color-code
- Sort columns
4. Manage your Space - Tips
- How to check storage space
- Remove duplicates
- Empy trash
- Preferences > General > UNCHECK: Automatically attach PDFs
- Preferences > Advanced > General: Add Open URL to use WashU access, instead of saving PDFs in Zotero
- Choose correct geographic region-->then find "Washington University in St. Louis" from options listed.
- the Open URL field will auto-populate with correct URL for WashU
5. Participant Questions
- Language Support
- Multilingual option
- Change language of Zotero user interface, citation or bibliography
- To add a book chapter:
- On the saved book, right click the item in the center pane
- Select 'Create Book Section'
- The new Book Section template will open.
- Add your chapter title ('Title') and author(s). Note: the book title will now display in the 'Book Title' field.
- Forgot which folder item is in? Mac: option (hold); Windows: Ctrl
This Research Guide provides links, explanations, and images to assist with your ongoing Zotero endeavors.
In addition, these help pages from Zotero's website are fantastic!
Today's Hosts
Jenny Akins, Subject Librarian Art & Architecture
Kris Helbling, English & American Literature Subject Librarian