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A Guide to Comparative Literature Resources

Research Guide to support Comparative Literature at Washington University.

Classic Catalog or Quick Search? You decide!

You can search for books (print or electronic) using the more modern Quick Search, or try our legacy interface Classic Catalog which some users prefer for book searching. In Quick Search,if you are searching exclusively for books type in your search terms and limit your search using the filters on the left-hand side by scrolling down to "Resource Type" and selecting the checkbox for "Books." 


Quick Search searches across our catalog and several other indexes for books, articles, films, and more. After searching by keyword, you can use the filters under "Resource Type" on the left-hand side to choose "Books" to exclude everything else.

Classic Catalog

Search for books using Washington University Libraries' Classic Catalog.

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Books at WU on CompLit Topics

Hathi Trust Digital Library. Search millions of digitized books and publications from research libraries.

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