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GER 340: German Literature and the Modern Era (Kita/Spring 2021)

Willkommen zum Kurs German 340!

The Poor Poet by Carl Spitzweg Willkommen zum German 340! This guide provides background information on the authors and texts for this course as well as general resources on German literature and the German language. It's not everything we have but it's a good place to start.

The Quick Links will provide you with direct links to the Classic Catalog, key reference sources for German literature, Canvas, and more.  Hover over the resource for more information.

The resources in this guide marked with an asterisk (*) will be especially useful for your Referate (reports).

Please don't hesitate to contact me for assistance. I can help you find relevant resources for your Essays, Referate (presentations), and background information on any topic. You can schedule a virtual appointment with me.  Ich helfe StudentInnen gerne!