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Social Policy - Legislative History - Tracking Bills
When searching for articles on the origins of legislation, consider using some of the following words in the title field along with keywords related to your law: Background Congress* Develop* Enact* Histor* House Legislat* Origin* Overview Representative* Review Senat*
Anniversary articles often include history. Consider: Anniversary Birthday "5 yr" "5 year*" "five year*" "10 yr" "10 year*" "ten year*" "20 yr" "20 year*" "twenty year*" "50 yr" "50 year*" "fifty year*" "100 yr" "100 year*" "hundred year*"
Words for the bill's path: Act Agree* Amend* Approve* Bill Clear* Compromis* Conference* Engrossed Enrolled Move* Pass* Reconcil* Reauthoriz* Send* Sent Signed Version* Vote*