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Learning Arabic

A guides to help students of Arabic.

Welcome to the guide for Learning Arabic!

The goal of this guide is to assist students studying Arabic as well as instructors teaching the language. The WashU Libraries regularly acquire books, journals, and online resources related to the Arabic language and language learning.

See the side menu for

  • Websites dedicated to Arabic use and language learning
  • Tools and strategies for Searching Arabic Resources
  • Teaching Resources to enhance language instruction
  • Materials specifically related to Arabic Calligraphy

If you can't find what you need, please don't hesitate to ask.


Browse WU Library holdings related to Arabic language study and learning.

Arabic language print collections at WashU Libraries


Arabic language books and bound journals are located in the Middle Eastern Languages section on Level B of Olin Library. They can be browsed physically or through an Advanced Catalog search limited to Language: Arabic.

Recent periodicals and newspapers in Arabic can be found in the periodicals section on Level A of Olin Library.

Special Collections

There are limited items in Special Collections in Arabic language. They can be browsed through a catalog search limited to Location: Special Collections and Language: Arabic.

Digital Arabic Resources at WashU Libraries