What kind of powers are delegated to administrative law agencies?
Why are they delegated?
What is the publication cycle of a regulation?
How do you locate and update regulations?
What information is contained in the CFR and Federal Register? (Review Sloan’s chapter on administrative regulations).
You will also need to know how to locate the following:
•Federal Register
•Proposed Rules, Final Rules, Presidential Executive Orders, Notices, etc.
•Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
•List of Parts Affected
List of Sections Affected
•Administrative Decisions
The Federal Register is the chronological publication of proposed regulations, final regulations, and related materials. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a subject arrangement of regulations. A regulation will be published first in the Federal Register and will later be included in the appropriate volume of the CFR.
The good news is that material from 1994 and onwards can be identified via the interne and in subscription databasest. Older materials may only be access via subscription databases such as HeinOnline or Proquest or in print or microfiche.
All tab in this guide will provide information on how to locate and update regulations. We also added a couple of review questions to this guide.