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Ervin Scholars - Library Overview

Resources for Challenging Times

"Resources are available for university employees and students coping with a crisis. Whether it is you, your family, a co-worker or others close to you, please refer to the below mental health and general counseling services available." This list of resources is made available by the Washington University Office of Human Resources at:


Danforth students:
Phone: 314-935-6666


WUSM students: 
Phone: 314-362-3523 



Washington University's Employee Assistance ProgramLifeScope EAP, is available to address the full range of emotions and concerns that may arise when an event like this occurs. Services from licensed professionals can be accessed by calling the 24/7 toll-free number, (800) 765-9124, or by logging on to


Tip sheets from Lifescope EAP:

Understanding and Coping with Traumatic Stress

Coping with Crisis in the Media

Tips for Talking to Children and Teens about Traumatic Events-Part I

Tips for Talking to Children and Teens about Traumatic Events-Part II

Tips for Parents of College Students--Managing Stress After a Campus Incident

About WashU's Work-Life Solutions
Washington University provides a Work/Life Services and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to all benefits eligible employees and their dependents. This confidential and prepaid benefit is offered as a way to help our employees have access to resources to help resolve issues that may impact their personal lives and their job performance. Click here to learn more about the EAP program.


More Resources

Toll-free help line through UnitedHealth Care and Optum
Optum, part of UnitedHealth Group, offers a toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The service is free of charge and open to anyone. The help line offers specially trained Optum mental health specialists to help people manage their stress and anxiety so they can continue to address their everyday needs.