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College Writing: Dreams & Nightmares

Welcome to the CW1: Dreams & Nightmares Research Guide!

The Knight's Dream, 1655, by Antonio de Pereda

This library research guide has been created to support College Writing 1: Dreams & Nightmares. It provides information about finding books, articles, primary sources and more. Please explore the guide to see what resources are available to you. 

Course Description: This course provides an opportunity to explore and experiment, to dwell in uncertainty and inquiry, and entertain confusion before resolution. Whether your area of interest is the psychology of dreams, monsters, memory, desire, cognition and neuroscience, or the underbelly of the American Dream, you will find room to interrogate subjects, both real and imagined, as well as texts and theories that destabilize categories, embody possibility, and threaten established order. 

Dreams & Nightmares Librarians


Christie Peters

Classics Librarian





Alison Carrick

Reference & Outreach Coordinator

Special Collections