Quick Search explores WashU Libraries’ Classic Catalog; articles, journals, and theses; Research Guides; and Open Scholarship as well as articles, reference materials, and e-books from various publishers and aggregators to get answers for your research.
What is Quick Search?
Quick Search is the WashU Libraries’ discovery layer search tool, meaning it searches across catalogs, indexes, and databases.
Quick Search scours WashU Libraries’ Classic Catalog; articles, journals, and theses; Research Guides; and Open Scholarship, as well as articles, reference materials, and e-books from various publishers and aggregators for answers to your research questions.
A simple search for Ukraine and Russia yielded 2,044.490 results a couple of weeks after the war broke out. We continue to add books that will be relevant to your research project. Use the filters on the right to narrow down the results further. You can sort by, e.g., relevance and date, full-text online, peer-reviewed journals, subject, and sources. It is also possible to limit your results by language.