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Using Pressbooks for Digital Publishing

This is a short introductory guide to using the Pressbooks publishing platform.

Text and Visual Editor

When editing in Pressbooks, you can use the visual editor or the text editor. The default is the visual editor, which uses a What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) similar to word processors or blogging platforms. The text editor allows you to edit the plain text and HTML code.

The Visual Editor:

  • Write and revise content
  • Add and format media and content
  • Structure page content, add text anchors and hyperlinks

The Text Editor:

  • Clean up HTML code that might be causing formatting problems (especially if the text was copied and pasted from Microsoft Word or similar)
  • Paste HTML embed codes

Pressbooks supports embedding from YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Social Media sites (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), Flickr, and many other sites.  

Add and Organize Text

You can add and organize your text on the Organize page from the left sidebar of the book's dashboard. From there, you can access all the book's chapters and content. Each chapter opens up into a WYSIWYG editor which allows you to add and revise the text.

Often, you have already prepared your text in a Word document or other text processor. Pressbooks allows you to import your text directly from your files--EPUB, Microsoft Office, Open Office, other Pressbooks, or web pages. Prepare your book for importing by structuring the document using Heading 1 formatting for all chapter titles. Watch the Pressbooks Demo to learn more. 

Structure chapter headings in your text using Heading 1

To import your book, go to Tools and Import. Select the document type and from there, you will be able to select which chapters to from the document you wish to import. You will be able to reorganize and edit them in Pressbooks from the Organize screen once they have been loaded.

Select chapters from your document to import into pressbooks