The Superintendent of Documents classification system (SuDocs) was established in approximately 1900. The SuDocs classification system is an alphabetical-numerical system whereby materials are arranged according to their origin; materials are grouped together according to which department, bureau, agency or office issued the document. This means that materials are not grouped together according to subject. One difficulty with this system of arrangement is that it lies at the mercy of government reorganizations; publications of a governmental entity can and will be classed in various locations.
The Superintendent of Documents Classification system is a hierarchical system wherein material is arranged first by the parent agency and then by sub agencies. The system is quite logical and easy to use once its essentials are grasped. Each full notation reveals the issuing agency and its place in the hierarchical structure of the Federal Government. This classification scheme does not reveal the author in the sense of revealing the person or group responsible for the content of the document.
Each executive department and agency, the Judiciary, the Congress, and other major independent federal offices and/or divisions are assigned a letter in the classification scheme based upon the the name of the agency or department. For example, 'Ju' designates the Judiciary and 'L' designates Labor. Subordinate groupings are designated by a number. For example, 'JU 6' designates the United States Supreme Court while 'L 28' designates the Employees' Compensation Appeals Board.
A |
Agriculture |
AE |
National Archives and Records Administration |
B |
Broadcasting Board of Governors |
C |
Commerce Department |
CC |
Federal Communications Commission |
CR |
Civil Rights Commission |
D |
Defense Department |
E |
Energy Department |
ED |
Education Department |
EP |
Environmental protection Agency |
FA |
Fine Arts Commission |
Farm Credit Administration |
Federal Housing Financing Board |
FM |
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service |
Federal Maritime Commission |
FR |
Federal Reserve System Board of Governors |
FT |
Federal Trade Commission |
Foreign-Trade Zones Board |
GA |
Government Accountability Office |
GP |
Government Printing Office |
GS |
General Services Administration |
HE |
Health and Human Services Department |
HH |
Housing and Urban Development Department |
HS |
Homeland Security |
I |
Interior Department |
IC |
Interstate Commerce Commission |
ID |
US Agency for International Development |
International Trade Commission |
J |
Justice Department |
JU |
Judiciary |
L |
Labor Department |
LC |
Library of Congress |
LR |
National Labor Relations Board |
MS |
Merit Systems Protection Board |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NC |
National Capital Planning Commission |
National Credit Union Administration |
NF |
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities |
National Mediation Board |
NS |
National Science Foundation |
OP |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
P |
United States Postal Service |
PE |
Peace Corps |
PM |
Personnel Management Office |
PR |
President of the United States |
Executive Office of the President |
Vice President of the United States |
RR |
Railroad Retirement Board |
S |
State Department |
Small Business Administration |
SE |
Securities and Exchange Commission |
SI |
Smithsonian Institution |
Social Security Administration |
T |
Treasury Department |
TD |
Transportation Department |
US Trade and Development Agency |
VA |
Veterans Affairs Department |
X and Y |
Congress |