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Rare Book Collections

Literature Collections

The rare book collections include literary works from the 15th century to the present. Early modern holdings feature significant works by Shakespeare, Jonson, Spenser, Beaumont and Fletcher, Milton, and Dryden, as well as Pierre de Ronsard and Lodovico Ariosto. The collection is particularly strong in 19th-century works, with numerous examples of the popular “three-decker” format, and modern literature, including the work of important 20th-century literary figures such as William Gaddis and Tennessee Williams.


George N. Meissner Collection

Modern Literature Collections

Gert von Gontard Collection

Gert von Gontard was a book collector, patron of the arts, and publisher of the 1930s avant-garde literary and arts magazine Neue Revue. Forced to flee his native Germany during World War II, he devoted his life to what he described as "the holy mission of art, the overcoming of international prejucide." His personal collection, donated to Washington University in 1981, includes more than 4,500 volumes on art, literature, music, and theater. Approximately 1,200 items are related to Johann Wolfgang van Goetye, ranging from first editions to autograph letters and an original drawing by the young Goethe. The von Gontard family continues to support the collection and to enhance its holdings.