Reports cover a single "hot" issue in depth, featuring comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue. A good alternative to Wikipedia for a topic overview.
Computer Science and Electrical / Systems related topics would make great use of these sources from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Health and Medicine's premier database. Includes related disciplines such as life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
Global coverage of news sources, including images. Click "Pictures" on the right side after your search to filter to image results.
How to use GenAI Responsibly as a Reseach Tool
GenAI can help you:
Identify relevant engineering standard numbers based on design prompt inputs.
Summarize standards and standard requirements.
Brainstorm keywords, subject headings, and additional research areas.
Identify possible "experts."
Help outline your report.
Remember to fact-check all information generated as it could be wrong, outdated, or fabricated.
Best Practices for using GenAI as a research or writing tool:
Start creative juices and overcome writer's block.
Generate topics, keywords, and ideas.
Help outline papers.
Compare and contrast
Refine research questions and thesis.
Note effective prompts and strategies.
Engineer your prompts to interact and converse with the GenAi.
Be very specific with your language inputs.
Consider the target audience and task.
Refine your questions and responses-- it make take a couple back-and-forth questions and clarification to land on useful information.
Fact-check everything. Then cite that other source.
Beware of misinformation, programming bias, and hallucinations.
GenAI will fake articles, standards, and citations.
The free version of ChatGPT has limited knowledge of the world or events after 2021.
Gemini will hallucinate the perfect standard --- that might not actually exist.
If you copy/paste AI-generated text, you could plagiarize without knowing it.
Hargadon, Steve. "Library 2.0's ChatGPT Bootcamp for Libraries and Librarians." Library 2.0, 3/25/2023,
Hood, Sarah. "Using Generative AI Responsibly for Brainstorming and Refining a Research Question." ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox.