If you prefer not to buy the required texts for this course, you can read from a copy on 2 or 3-hour reserve at Olin Library. However, there is only one copy there, and it has a maximum loan period of two hours. There are other, free ways to access your required readings. If WUSTL Libraries do not have a copy, you may be able to borrow one through MOBIUS, St. Louis Public Library (http://slpl.orgSLPL), or the Municipal Library Consortium (MLC).
P. Fritzsche, Life and Death in the Third Reich - WUSTL 2-hr Reserve or eBook * MOBIUS * SLPL
M. Fulbrook, A Concise History of Germany, 3rd ed. - WUSTL * SLPL audiobook
E. Sheffer, Burned Bridge: How East & West Germans Made the Iron Curtain - WUSTL 3-hr Reserve or eBook * MOBIUS * MLC