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General Collections Care for Staff

This guide will assist library staff in the proper care and handling of library materials.

Loose Materials

Tip-ins are loose pages or groups of pages that must be inserted into volumes. Often they are errata slips, replacements for misprinted pages, an index or table of contents, or photocopied replacements for pages missing or torn or cut out of books.

Single sheets are easily tipped-in; however, judgement must be used when tipping-in a number of pages.

Send all such books with their loose pages -- single as well as loose groups of pages -- to the Preservation Unit for proper tipping-in or insertion.





Loose Materials

Pockets, placed inside the back cover, can be made for material that belongs with a book but should not be attached to it -- such as folding maps, materials too fragile to bear any kind of attachment,  or discs. Please send books with loose materials needing a pocket to the Preservation Unit.