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Brown School DPAC

Brown School DPAC (Dean's Professional Advisory Committee) Information Resource




Latest North City Testing Sites
CareSTL Health
5471 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. and 2425 N. Whittier St.

Free Access To Behavioral Health Crisis Services
Covid-19 Resources: Missouri Department Of Mental Health
Missouri Coronavirus Information Hotline: 877-435-8411
*The hotline will be operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Resources from the American Heart Association

The AHA has created a comprehensive list of resources to help community members stay well amid rapid changes to daily life:

·         Resources to maintain healthy lifestyle amidst COVID-19 outbreak

·         Working out while staying safe during the coronavirus outbreak

·         If you hunker down against coronavirus, don't stop reaching out, experts say

·         Coronavirus safety tips (video)

·         School meal to continue during-coronavirus-closures

·         CPR information during COVID-19