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Declaration of Independence

Explore ways to learn more about the Declaration, including primary and secondary resources, and teaching tools.


On May 1, 2018, WashU Libraries officially unveiled its new permanent exhibit, "A Declaration," which spotlights a rare broadside copy of the Declaration of Independence printed by Solomon Southwick in Newport, Rhode Island. The exhibit also includes a digitized touchscreen replica of the Declaration with “hot spots” that viewers can tap to learn more about different aspects of the broadside. You can read more about the unique features of this broadside and its history in our webpage about the exhibit and our in our Q&A with Cassie Brand, curator of rare books.

Washington University hopes that this broadside will encourage students, educators, and visitors to our institution to explore more about our nation's early history. With that goal in mind, we have compiled a list of resources for learning more about both the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers, and the American Revolution.