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Gallup Data

This guide will help you navigate Gallup Analytics and Microdata

What is Gallup Microdata?

Gallup Microdata files contain anonymized questionnaire-level data and provide researchers a more granular view suitable for statistical analysis of several Gallup public opinion polls: World Poll, US Daily Tracking, Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS), among others. For a complete list of microdata available, see below.

Step 1: Request

Gallup Microdata is mediated by the Library's Data Services team. Access is restricted to current WashU faculty, researchers, and students only.

Step 2: Wait

After completing the above form, users will receive an email from a Data Services staff member within two business days, enabling access or requesting more information.

Step 3: Connect to Network

Connect to WashU WiFi on campus or use the VPN for off campus access.

Step 4: Map Drive

Terms of Use

WashU researchers may download, use, and manipulate the data. They may create reports and publish externally, redistribute, and manipulate such reports, so long as such externally distributed reports do not contain only Gallup data and so long as Gallup data are not included in a report in a quantity or specificity that could reasonably be deemed to be a substitute for acquiring the data from Gallup. You may not share with anyone not affiliated with WashU. Reports must include attribution when Gallup data are included without modification or are used as a direct source of analysis.

Available Datasets

The following survey datasets are included in our microdata subscription. All responses are anonymized and do not contain names or addresses. Basic demographic characteristics like age, sex, and race, as well as general geographic locations of respondents are captured in every series. There is a time lag or embargo between the time a survey is published and the time we receive the data; this lag ranges from a number of months to a number of years depending on the dataset.

The links below provide additional information about each series. Data may be provided as files for working in Excel, STATA, or SPSS. Not all files are offered in all formats. Series folders include code books and methodology files.

World Poll

A large poll that gauges individual circumstances as well as opinions about current events that includes respondents from almost every country. The World Poll covers a variety of political, social and economic topics, including:

  •     Business and Economics
  •     Citizen Engagement
  •     Communications and Technology
  •     Education and Families
  •     Environment and Energy
  •     Food and Shelter
  •     Government and Politics
  •     Health
  •     Law and Order
  •     Religion and Ethics
  •     Social Issues
  •     Well-Being
  •     Work

Data are stored in one cumulative file, covering 2006 to present. Questions vary by time period and country; some are asked consistently everywhere, while others are asked for a limited period in select places. To help you find what you are looking for, create an account with Gallup’s World Poll Reference Tool. 

US Daily Tracker

The Gallup Daily tracking survey is a large, daily poll that gauges attitudes and opinions about individual circumstances and current events. Gallup Daily tracking relies on live interviewers and telephone sampling of adult respondents.

Gallup Polling Series

The Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS) s a small, recurring, monthly public opinion survey of U.S. adults' views on numerous social, economic, and political topics. Each month covers a different theme as follows:

  •     January: Mood of the Nation
  •     February: World Affairs
  •     March: Environment
  •     April: Economy and Finance
  •     May: Values and Beliefs
  •     June: Minority Rights and Relations (conducted periodically from 2001 to 2021)
  •     July: Consumption Habits
  •     August: Work and Education
  •     September: Governance
  •     October: Crime
  •     November: Health
  •     December: Lifestyle (conducted periodically)

Additional Surveys

COVID-19 Panel Survey: A small US-based survey that was launched just after COVID-19 emerged, to gauge on-going attitudes and opinions about the pandemic. Learn more about the Covid-19 Panel Survey.

Confidence in Institutions Survey: Part of the GPSS series; measures the confidence level in several US institutions like Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, police, etc. Conducted once per year from 1973 to present. Learn more about the Confidence in Institutions Survey.

Honesty & Ethics Survey: Part of the GPSS series; measures the confidence level in several US institutions like Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, police, etc. Conducted once per year from 1973 to present.

Race Relations Survey: A small survey conducted in November 2018. It includes topics previously represented in the GPSS Minority Relations Survey that ran through 2016.

Religion Battery: A small survey conducted from 1999-2023.