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Library Resources for MCAT Prep

This guide supports students in The Learning Center's MCAT Prep Program by connecting them with free MCAT prep materials and resources.

Requesting Physical Materials

To request a physical book from the Classic Catalog, select "Request" at the top of the book page in the catalog. 

Then, enter your WUSTLKey and password to log in. Choose your library pickup location, and hit "Submit." 

On the next screen, select "Request Selected Item." You will receive an email once the material is ready for pickup!

Note: some physical books have the status "LIB USE ONLY," so you won't see the "Request" button at the top. In this case, you can use the book's call number to find it on the shelf, and read it in the library. 

Accessing Electronic Materials

To access electronic books from the Classic Catalog, select "Connect to: WUSTL Full Text" below the book information in the catalog. 

On the next page, select the e-book platform you'd like to view the book in. For some books, you will only have one option.

If you are off-campus, you will need to log in with your WUSTLKey and password. Then, you can read the book in-browser or download it as a pdf!