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AVA: Audiovisual, Virtual and Augmented Reality Studio

AVA Studio is a creative studio which can be booked for Augmented or Virtual Reality (AR/VR) exploration using headsets, podcasting, videography, or photography. Bookings are available for one user/group at one time.

How To Reserve AVA

First time users: Please use the link below to book 5 days in advance of your desired reservation date. All first-time users will be required to complete a training on the room and equipment and agree to the abide by the terms and conditions of the Libraries and University.

Returning users: Please use the link below to book 48 hours in advance of your desired reservation date.

When you arrive on your reservation date:

  • Check in at the data services suite, Room A07
  • We will check out necessary equipment to you
  • Please plan on staying 15minutes after your reservation to check materials back in and clean up your materials.

Policy and User Expectations for AVA

  • The room will only be available at times when Data Services or STS are present, who will provide access to the room and equipment. 
  • Access to AVA is mediated by Data Services, and by extension STS
  • Users should adhere to University’s technology policies.
  • Covered drinks only are allowed in AVA per the Libraries’ food and drink policy.
  • Users cannot remove any equipment or materials provided in AVA.
  • Users should notify a Data Services/STS staff member if there are issues in the AVA (e.g., broken equipment, software, or furniture).
  • Users are expected to vacate AVA at the end of their reservation time.
  • Users will be accountable for equipment during the reservation time and wait while the staff ensures everything is accounted for when they leave. Users who fail to meet expectations Users found to be in violation of any term stated in this policy may be banned from further use of AVA.