Publication Date: ambridge [England] : At the University Press, 1917.
Available through Project Gutenburg:
Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Mechano-Biology by Van C. Mow (Editor); Rik Huiskes (Editor)Completely revised and updated, the Third Edition of this classic text reflects the latest advances in research on orthopaedic biomechanics and the successful applications of biomechanical principles in fracture fixation, prosthetic implant design, and hip and knee arthroplasty. For this Third Edition, Dr. Mow is joined by new co-editor Rik Huiskes, PhD, an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomechanics and an internationally renowned authority in the field. New chapters cover biomaterials, biomechanical principles of cartilage and bone tissue engineering, and biomechanics of fracture fixation and fracture healing.
ISBN: 0781739330
Publication Date: 2004-12-28
Introduction to Continuum Biomechanics by Kyriacos Athanasiou; Roman NatoliThis book is concerned with the study of continuum mechanics applied to biological systems, i.e., continuum biomechanics. This vast and exciting subject allows description of when a bone may fracture due to excessive loading, how blood behaves as both a solid and fluid, down to how cells respond to mechanical forces that lead to changes in their behavior, a process known as mechanotransduction. We have written for senior undergraduate students and first year graduate students in mechanical or biomedical engineering, but individuals working at biotechnology companies that deal in biomaterials or biomechanics should also find the information presented relevant and easily accessible.Table of Contents: Tensor Calculus / Kinematics of a Continuum / Stress / Elasticity / Fluids / Blood and Circulation / Viscoelasticity / Poroelasticity and Thermoelasticity / Biphasic Theory
ISBN: 1598296183
Publication Date: 2008-10-08
Recommended Books on Biomechanics
Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System by Margareta Nordin; Victor H. FrankelUnique in its direct and comprehensive approach, this Third Edition presents a working knowledge of biomechanical principles for use in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunction. Three sections address the biomechanics of musculoskeletal tissues and structures, the biomechanics of joints, and applied biomechanics. This edition's new introductory chapter explains the importance of biomechanics study and includes the "International System of Units" appendix. A new section on "Applied Biomechanics" includes chapters on fracture fixation; arthroplasty; standing, sitting, and lying; and gait. Boxes with biomechanical computations promote comprehension of biomechanical principles. Practical examples and clinical case studies apply biomechanical knowledge to practice. Additional illustrations, including radiological images, enhance comprehension. A Brandon-Hill recommended title.
ISBN: 081211227X
Publication Date: 1989-06-01
Biomaterials by Joon Bu Park (Editor); Joseph D. Bronzino (Editor)Biomaterials: Principles and Applicationsoffers a comprehensive review of all the major biomaterials in this rapidly growing field. In recent years, the role of biomaterials has been influenced considerably by advances in many areas of biotechnology and science, as well as advances in surgical techniques and instruments. Comprising chapters contributed by a panel of international experts, this text provides a familiarity with the uses of materials in medicine and dentistry and the rational basis for these applications. It covers such subjects as biodegradable polymeric materials and their relation to tissue engineering, biologic materials, and biomaterials applications in soft and hard tissues. Nearly one hundred figures and tables further add to the value of this book. Concise, topical, and not overly technical -- no other book covers the entire field of biomaterials so succinctly in one volume.
ISBN: 0849314917
Publication Date: 2002-08-29
Biomechanics by Donald R. Peterson (Editor); Joseph D. Bronzino (Editor)Traditionally, applications of biomechanics will model system-level aspects of the human body. As a result, the majority of technological progress to date appears in system-level device development. More recently, biomechanical initiatives are investigating biological sub-systems such as tissues, cells, and molecules. Fueled by advances in experimental methods and instrumentation, these initiatives, in turn, directly drive the development of biological nano- and microtechnologies. A complete, concise reference, Biomechanics integrates coverage of system and sub-system models, to enhance overall understanding of human function and performance and open the way for new discoveries. Drawn from the third edition of the widely acclaimed and bestselling The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, this is a comprehensive, state-of-the-science resource concerning the principles and applications of biomechanics at every level. The book presents substantial updates and revisions from the Handbook¿s previous editions, as well as an entirely new chapter introducing current methods and strategies for modeling cellular mechanics. Organized in a systematic manner, the book begins with coverage of musculoskeletal mechanics including hard- and soft tissue and joint mechanics and their applications to human function. Contributions explore several aspects of biofluid mechanics and cover a wide range of circulatory dynamics such as blood vessel and blood cell mechanics and transport. Other topics include the mechanical functions and significance of the human ear and the performance characteristics of the human body during exercise and exertion. The book contains more than 140 illustrations, 60 tables, and a variety of useful equations to assist in modeling biomechanical behaviors. Incorporating material across the breadth of the field, Biomechanics is a complete, concise reference for the skilled professional as well as an introduction to the novice or student of biomedical engineering.
Biomechanics: concepts and computation by Cees Oomens; Marcel Brekelmans; Sandra Loerakker; Frank BaaijensThoroughly revised and updated for the second edition, this comprehensive textbook integrates basic and advanced concepts of mechanics with numerical methods and biomedical applications. Coverage is expanded to include a complete introduction to vector and tensor calculus, and new or fully updated chapters on biological materials and continuum mechanics, motion, deformation and rotation, and constitutive modelling of solids and fluids. Topics such as kinematics, equilibrium, and stresses and strains are also included, as well as the mechanical behaviour of fibres and the analysis of one-dimensional continuous elastic media. Numerical solution procedures based on the Finite Element Method are presented, with accompanying MATLAB-based software and dozens of new biomedical engineering examples and exercises allowing readers to practise and improve their skills. Solutions for instructors are also available online. This is the definitive guide for both undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in biomechanics.
Fundamentals of Biomechanics by Nihat Özkaya; Margareta Nordin; David Goldsheyder; Dawn LegerBiomechanics applies the principles and rigor of engineering to the mechanical properties of living systems. This book integrates the classic fields of mechanics--statics, dynamics, and strength of materials--using examples from biology and medicine. Fundamentals of Biomechanics is excellent for teaching either undergraduates in biomedical engineering programs or health care professionals studying biomechanics at the graduate level. Extensively revised from a successful first edition, the book features a wealth of clear illustrations, numerous worked examples, and many problem sets. The book provides the quantitative perspective missing from more descriptive texts, without requiring an advanced background in mathematics. It will be welcomed for use in courses such as biomechanics and orthopedics, rehabilitation and industrial engineering, and occupational or sports medicine.
Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics by John W. RudnickiOn Physical Course Reserve at Olin Library
A concise introductory course text on continuummechanics Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics focuses on thefundamentals of the subject and provides the background forformulation of numerical methods for large deformations and a widerange of material behaviours. It aims to provide the foundationsfor further study, not just of these subjects, but also theformulations for much more complex material behaviour and theirimplementation computationally. This book is divided into 5 parts, covering mathematicalpreliminaries, stress, motion and deformation, balance of mass,momentum and energy, and ideal constitutive relations and is asuitable textbook for introductory graduate courses for students inmechanical and civil engineering, as well as those studyingmaterial science, geology and geophysics andbiomechanics. A concise introductory course text on continuum mechanics Covers the fundamentals of continuum mechanics Uses modern tensor notation Contains problems and accompanied by a companion websitehosting solutions Suitable as a textbook for introductory graduate courses forstudents in mechanical and civil engineering
ISBN: 9781118479919
Publication Date: 2014-11-10
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics by Michael Lai; Erhard Krempl; David RubenContinuum Mechanics is a branch of physical mechanics that describes the macroscopic mechanical behavior of solid or fluid materials considered to be continuously distributed. It is fundamental to the fields of civil, mechanical, chemical and bioengineering. This time-tested text has been used for over 35 years to introduce junior and senior-level undergraduate engineering students, as well as graduate students, to the basic principles of continuum mechanics and their applications to real engineering problems. The text begins with a detailed presentation of the coordinate invariant quantity, the tensor, introduced as a linear transformation. This is then followed by the formulation of the kinematics of deformation, large as well as very small, the description of stresses and the basic laws of continuum mechanics. As applications of these laws, the behaviors of certain material idealizations (models) including the elastic, viscous and viscoelastic materials, are presented. This new edition offers expanded coverage of the subject matter both in terms of details and contents, providing greater flexibility for either a one or two-semester course in either continuum mechanics or elasticity. Although this current edition has expanded the coverage of the subject matter, it nevertheless uses the same approach as that in the earlier editions - that one can cover advanced topics in an elementary way that go from simple to complex, using a wealth of illustrative examples and problems. It is, and will remain, one of the most accessible textbooks on this challenging engineering subject.
ISBN: 9780750685603
Publication Date: 2009-09-25
Introductory Biomechanics by C. Ross Ethier; Craig A. SimmonsIntroductory Biomechanics is a new, integrated text written specifically for engineering students. It provides a broad overview of this important branch of the rapidly growing field of bioengineering. A wide selection of topics is presented, ranging from the mechanics of single cells to the dynamics of human movement. No prior biological knowledge is assumed and in each chapter, the relevant anatomy and physiology are first described. The biological system is then analyzed from a mechanical viewpoint by reducing it to its essential elements, using the laws of mechanics and then tying mechanical insights back to biological function. This integrated approach provides students with a deeper understanding of both the mechanics and the biology than from qualitative study alone. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations, tables and examples, a large selection of suitable problems and hundreds of current references, making it an essential textbook for any biomechanics course.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Fourth Edition by Dean G. DuffyAdvanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Fourth Edition builds upon three successful previous editions. It is written for today's STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) student. Three assumptions under lie its structure: (1) All students need a firm grasp of the traditional disciplines of ordinary and partial differential equations, vector calculus and linear algebra. (2) The modern student must have a strong foundation in transform methods because they provide the mathematical basis for electrical and communication studies. (3) The biological revolution requires an understanding of stochastic (random) processes. The chapter on Complex Variables, positioned as the first chapter in previous editions, is now moved to Chapter 10. The author employs MATLAB to reinforce concepts and solve problems that require heavy computation. Along with several updates and changes from the third edition, the text continues to evolve to meet the needs of today's instructors and students. Features: Complex Variables, formerly Chapter 1, is now Chapter 10. A new Chapter 18: Itô's Stochastic Calculus. Implements numerical methods using MATLAB, updated and expanded Takes into account the increasing use of probabilistic methods in engineering and the physical sciences Includes many updated examples, exercises, and projects drawn from the scientific and engineering literature Draws on the author's many years of experience as a practitioner and instructor Gives answers to odd-numbered problems in the back of the book Offers downloadable MATLAB code at