The law school uses PaperCut Print Release Queue for student printing. Each student begins the academic year with $60, which is equivalent to 1500 single-sided pages. See https://sts.wustl.edu/services/printing/ for additional information
If you run out of pages, you may purchase more using your Campus Card and WustlKey.
To PRINT from YOUR LAPTOP, you will need to follow the directions at https://sts.wustl.edu/services/printing. Print Release stations are available on the 1st, 2nd and 4th floors of the library. There are NO color printers in the law school. All printers at Olin library are color.
Scanners are also available on the 2nd and 4th floors.
Lexis Printing
Lexis provides free printing to Washington University School of Law students.
The printers are located on the 2nd floor of the library outside the restrooms. When printing materials from Lexis, the print jobs automatically go to these printers. Remember to pick up your print-outs in the library by the Lexis printer.
(Westlaw no longer offers free printing.)