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Plurals and Possessives
Plural’s & Possessives
- Woman retrieves women, woman’s and women’s; women or woman’s will not retrieve woman.
- Use the singular form of a word unless you have a good reason not to.
- Search term 415 also retrieves 415.5 or 415(b). 415.1 or 415(b) will not retrieve 415.
- Using a number as a search term is helpful when you are looking for the mention of a statute that may or may not be cited as a particular paragraph or section. If you search for 415, you will retrieve documents with a page number of 415 or cases with a volume number of 415; adding the section number or paragraph number will eliminate false hits.
- On LexisAdvance, a hyphen is treated as a space.
- Ex: post-conviction gets post-conviction and post conviction but not postconviction.
- On LexisAdvance, if you have any question whether a word is hyphenated or not, search for both versions: post-conviction AND postconviction
- On WestlawNext, a hyphen does not function as a space.
- Ex: post-conviction gets post-conviction and post conviction and also postconviction.
- On WestlawNext, if you have any question whether a word might or might not be hyphenated, add the hyphen. It can’t hurt.
- WestlawNext:
- E.P.A. retrieves E.P.A, E P A, E. P. A., and EPA.
- LexisAdvance:
- You must enter the variations: E.P.A. or E. P. A. or EPA or E P A