Documents are divided into segments or fields. These segments/fields are searchable. It allows you to perform a focused search.
- AUTHOR: to find articles by an author that you know.
- ATTORNEYS: to find cases litigated by your opposing attorney
- COURT: to limit your search to a particular court.
- DATE: to search before or after a particular date or within a date range
- TITLE: to find a document by its title
- NAME: to find a case by the name of a party
- DOCKET NUMBER: to find a case by the docket number
- JUDGE: to find decisions written by a particular judge
Elements of a Case
- Segments or Fields
- Case name: Roe v. Wade
- Judges names
- Attorneys names
- Court name
- Docket Number
- Court/Reporter’s syllabus
- Opinion text – concurring and dissenting