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Writing 420 Advanced Nonfiction Writing

Course: Kathleen Finneran's Advanced Nonfiction Writing

WIFI Networks

When you're at a location with a WashU IP address, you should be able to access the subscription journals and databases without any problems.

If you are repeatedly prompted to login with your WUSTL Key, change to the WIFI network "wustl-encrypted-2.0"

You'll have to login with WUSTL Key once, but then should not be prompted for it again during that search session.

Browzine and LibKey Nomad


Create a Browzine account to read select publications on mobile devices and laptops. For the publications on your Browzine bookshelf, you will be able to bypass WUSTL Key authentication through the library website.

LibKey Nomad:

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that will connect you to articles in WashU subscriptions automatically. (Note: Works best with publications in academic journals.

Off-Campus Access

When off campus, you will need to login to the "proxy server" to access subscriptions and databases. You need only login to the proxy server once during an off-campus search session: Off-Campus Login