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Research Alerts

Guide for WU students, faculty, and staff on research alerts and current-awarness services

EBSCOhost databases

EBSCOhost databases at WU (includes Academic Search Complete, MLA International Bibliography, America: History and Life, Eductation Full Text, PsycINFO)

To create alerts:

  • Create a My EBSCOhost account
  • After performing a search in a database, click on "Share" then "Email Alert" or "RSS Feed"
  • View tutorial for more details.

Proquest Databases

Proquest databases at WU (including Proquest Dissertations & Theses, ERIC, International Index to the Performing Arts)

To create alerts:

  • After performing a search, click on "Save Search/Alert" and then  "Create alert" and follow instructions in the pop up window
  • A confirmation email will be sent for email alerts
  • Manage alerts via your My Research account
  • For more details, see Proquest Search Alerts Help

Google Scholar

Creating Alerts in Google Scholar:

  1. Enter your search terms and run the search
  2. On the results page, click on "Create Alert" on left-side
  3. Set alert parameters -- alert name, email address, number of results
  4. Click "Create Alert"

For more details, see Google Scholar Help

Other databases

Most databases allow email alerts or RSS feeds on saved searched.  You will need to create a free personal login in order to use that feature.  Look for HELP while you are in the database to get instructions for setting up alerts or ask your subject librarian.

Link to all WU databases