Publishers require you to create a free personal account or profile before you can save searches or create alerts. These personal accounts are NOT related to WUSTL connect. You'll need to keep track of the usernames and password which you set.
Here are a few sample publishers' directions. Search for alerts at "help" sites at your favorite publishers for more. Sometimes the directions are only available after you create your personal profile and log in.
Most databases require you to create a free personal account or profile before you can save searches or create alerts. These personal accounts are NOT related to WUSTL connect. You'll need to keep track of the usernames and password which you set.
Tables of contents and abstracts are usually freely available on publisher sites. Authentication is NOT required. You can even follow journals via alerts when WU does not have any online access and use Interlibrary Loan or other strategies to get articles you discover.
But authentication that you are affiliated with WU will be required when you want fulltext, except where it is freely available.
Some options: