The study of linguistics makes connections across a wide array of scholarly concerns, from the humanities to many of the social and behavioral sciences to biology, physics, engineering, and even medicine. The study of language is central to a large number of rapidly advancing fields, such as neuroscience, cognitive science, and computer science.
Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology is a ready, reliable resource for scholars and researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to access classic, contemporary, and cutting edge scholarship in psychology, much of which is now available in online venues. Anyone with expertise in or curiosity about a psychological topic can use the online technologies to locate relevant bibliographic indexes, library catalogs, and numerous related references works. The taxonomy—the classification and organization of key subject terms—was created to reflect timely and timeless topics in the discipline. Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology is a quick, comprehensive, and efficient source for exploring or staying current with the growing science of psychology. As Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology expands, it will reflect changes and developments in this increasingly interdisciplinary “hub” science.