Reference works - encyclopedias, historical dictionaries, atlases, handbooks, etc. - are often a good place to begin the research process. The entries are written by experts in the field and their bibliographies include the most well-known titles on the subject.
Oxford Bibliographies - an outstanding collection of annotated bibliographic essays from a score of disciplines; fully searchable
Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures
The Cambridge World History of Human Disease (1993) - title link is of for the eBook; also in print) - traces the concept of disease throughout history and in each major world region. It offers the history and geography of each significant human disease--both historical and contemporary--from AIDS to yellow fever, and touches on the variety of approaches that different medical traditions have used to fight disease. Accessible to lay people and specialists alike
Martin, Edward A. A Biographical Encyclopedia of Medical Travel Authors (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010)
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES) (1939- ) covers cultural studies in East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) a guide to what has been written about British and Irish history from Roman period to present day. This service is a partnership between Royal Historical Society, Institute of Historical Research and Brepols Publishers.
Remember, historiography and bibliography are LoC subheadings!