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Library Services for Undergraduate Research

This research guide is a portal to library services for students participating in projects sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research and other undergraduate research.

Presenting Your Research Using PowerPoint

The purpose of this guide is to introduce PowerPoint as a potential software to present your research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Why use this software? 

Making a Poster using a PowerPoint Slide

1. The program comes with a complete tutorial. You can access this by clicking on the help portion of the tool bar. The web also has an overwhelming amount of well-written Articles. has highlighted our favorite sites in the "Learn PowerPoint" section of this tutorial. This is accessible by clicking on "Learn PowerPoint" to the left.

 ·         2. There are plenty of sites on the web that allow you to access many types of different media (pictures, sounds, movies, etc.) for free. Try ,,


 ·         3. Microsoft has made available a free PowerPoint viewer that allows you to show presentations on any computer made in the last five years. You can find download an area by visiting and type "PowerPoint Viewer" into their search engine.


 ·         4. PowerPoint makes it easy to convert any presentation into a web page. You just have to save your presentation as HTML.


       5. It has a spell-check function! Something our black boards and overheads lack.
