Once you have a good handle on your research subject and are comfortable with the amount of background information you have, you can begin to search the library databases for current articles and other materials related to your research.
A library database is a searchable electronic index of periodicals and other materials.
The University Libraries offers over 1000 databases to make it easy to find scholarly articles or to find articles written within a specific time period.
Image source:
DATABASE at Postmasters, March 2009/
mandiberg / CC BY-SA 2.0
--Start generally. Begin your search using a multidisciplinary database such as Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, Project Muse, or Social Science Database
--Improve your keyword search. For example: If you are researching the current designs of hybrid vehicles, be sure to combine terms such as "design AND hybrid vehicles". For more tips on developing search terms in library databases see the "Testing your Topic" box in Step 1: Exploring an idea.
--Search subject-specific databases. In addition to having many general/multidisciplinary databases, the University Libraries also provides access to hundreds of subject specific databases.
--Obtaining an article. Depending upon the database, full-text may not be immediately available. Always first look for a link to the full-text of an article (typically you will see a .pdf or .html link). If this is not available, look for the button where you can order the item through Interlibrary Loan.
General (Multidisciplinary) Databases
Thousands of journals and other publications covering most subjects.
Journals, books, images and primary sources.
A comprehensive collection of peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals from leading university presses, not-for-profit publishers and prestigious scholarly societies. Journals can be searched individually, in groups, or all together.
Provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education.
Examples of Subject Specific Databases
Offers complete access to the full text of more than 80 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, to neuroscience from the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe Publishing Group (English-language titles).
Covers journals in chemistry and related fields.Provides access to the Chemical Abstracts and other databases, covering journals in chemistry and related fields. Note: Available on the web, with an individual logon, using your Washington University email address. Registration for SciFinder
EconLit with Full Text contains indexing and abstracts, some full text for 400+ journals and 500+ collected works per year. The database provides indexing and full text for articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics, and much more. Updated monthly.