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Philosophy of Art/Aesthetics 339: Philospher's Index

Why Use Philosopher's Index?

 The Philosopher’s Index is the world’s premier bibliography of scholarly works in philosophy.

  • 90% of these works are not available by googling or using Wikipedia

  • Contains publications books, anthologies, book reviews, journal articles - many with fulltext access.
  • Includes over 500,000 records  originating from 700 journals from 50 countries dating back to 1940.
  • Covers all major areas of philosophy, including: aesthetics # axiology # epistemology # ethics #logic # metaphysics metaphilosophy # philosophical anthropology  # philosophy of education  #  philosophy of history # philosophy of language # philosophy of religion# philosophy of science # political philosophy and social philosophy.

How to Search Philosopher's Index

This three minute video gives an example of how to search effectively for articles.

Philosopher's Index Results Screens

1. I set up search parameters using Subject, People as Subject, and Select a Field (optional); no field selected. Here is a link to this search.

2. I chose record number 29 in the list of  154 results, which I limited to books and journal articles in English.

3. This record doesn't give me an abstract as many records do. However, Cambridge Companions are books that provide interpretation & explication of a seminal work. We have many of them as ebooks in the WU collection.

 4.   After clicking on the Get It! button a link to the ebook comes up as shown on the record below. Note if the item was not in the WU collection,  you could request it by clicking on ArticleReach Direct or Interlibrary Loan .


Useful Short WU Library Research Videos

Learn how to select a journal database, how to get an article not available at WU, how to search our "great starting point" database.