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Drones/Quadcopters for Data Collection

Tips and tricks for data collection by aerial capture.

Workshop Brief

The workshop collected a data set which we have preserved in our digital repository, which is accessible through Open Scholarship. The data will be preserved in both it's pre and post processed state.


In the workshop the value of preserving the data was discussed. Much of the information that you need to know about preserving datasets at WUSTL can be found in the Digital Research Material Repository Guide.

Preserving with WUSTL Benefits:

  • Your primary research materials will be archived and accessible for future researchers to reuse, which increases your research impact. 
  • Curating your primary research materials with WashU Libraries, will safeguard your research time and investment with a trusted, long standing source, the University.
  • If your grant funder or publisher includes data sharing and archiving requirements, curating your data with the WashU Libraries will fulfill this requirement.
  • Curating your research materials with the library will involve enriching your data beyond the standard storage and backup techniques. 
  • Improve the discoverability and cite-ability of your research materials, through the assignment of a DOI and the dissemination of your research to international linked data platforms.