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International Business Research

This guide lists database and internet resources for international business research.

Library Databases

Current Olin students, faculty and staff have access to restricted library internet resources. View Remote Access for more information.

Search Tip for Nexis Uni: On the main screen, use the Search in all News box to search by country name, then on the results screen use the Narrow By limiters to filter your search (Country & Country and Region Reports is available under Publication Type). Or select All Sources from the Menu drop-down at the top of the screen, then use the Search Within Sources box to search by country name or by source name such as BBC Monitoring, BMI Country Risk Report, Business Monitor International, and PRS Risk Guide & Service.

Don’t forget the following in your hunt for international business information:

  • Country Home pages and Tourism bureaus
  • The regional versions of various search engines (Google UK or Google Japan), and other international search engines such as