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The Research Studio is equipped with collaborative work stations where students can access specialized software and work on analysis projects. This space is designed to enable individual or group work and priority is given to students who are actively working with the applications listed below.
Research Studio users should be aware that these systems reboot daily at 5 am and any personal files will be lost. Store your working files between sessions in a remote location (i.e. Box or other network drive).
The Research Studio available to the WashU community with a valid, working WashU ID. Users must use their ID to swipe in.
Location: Olin Library (Level A, Room A06)
General Hours: These hours are subject to change.
Remote access is available 24/7 for WUSTLKey holders.
Users are required to:
be an current WashU student, faculty, or staff member
have an active WUSTL Key account
create a reservation in our system
accept the Remote Access Agreement
sign into the campus VPN