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Remote access is available 24/7. First-time users should make a reservation 48-hours in advance of the desired reservation time. Returning users may book up to one hour in advance. You must agree to our terms of service when you make the reservation; they are outlined below.
By submitting this request you agree to:
WashU Libraries provides the Research Studio remote desktop connection to WashU students, faculty, staff, and other authorized members of the Washington University community. The Research Studio workstations provide access to specialized software and tools for conducting data analysis (full list of software available here). This is a shared resource available only to members of the WashU community to further educational, research, medical, service, and University-related activities and missions.
WashU community members are responsible for all activity involving their WashU accounts, and are granted privileges and responsibilities with these accounts. These privileges must not to be used to violate any university policy, or city, state, or federal laws or regulations.
Circumventing WashU policies to compromise the security of an account, system, devices, network, or WashU partner will not be tolerated. Users will adhere to the terms of all End User License Agreements and Terms of Service for the software provided, and consent to the terms by the log in and use of the software on the Research Studio workstations. Access may be revoked immediately in cases of misuse or threat to WashU systems and networks.
For questions about use of Research Studio remote desktop, please contact WashU Libraries.