This section provides scholarly materials and practical tools on belongingness.
Scholarly articles
Chan, S. (2016). Belonging to a workplace: first-year apprentices’ perspectives on factors determining engagement and continuation through apprenticeship. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 16, 9-27.
Johnson, R. M. (2022). A socio‐ecological perspective on sense of belonging among racially/ethnically minoritized college students: Implications for equity‐minded practice and policy. New Directions for Higher Education, 2022(197), 59-68.
Mobasseri, S., Srivastava, S. B., & Kray, L. J. (2021). A brief social-belonging intervention in the workplace: Evidence from a field experiment. Academy of management discoveries, 7(1), 85-103.
Roberts, L. W. (2020). Belonging, respectful inclusion, and diversity in medical education. Academic Medicine, 95(5), 661-664.
Sivananthajothy, P., Adel, A., Afhami, S., Castrogiovanni, N., Osei-Tutu, K., & Brown, A. (2023). Equity, diversity, and… exclusion? A national mixed methods study of “belonging” in Canadian undergraduate medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-29.
Stamps, D. C., & Foley, S. M. (2023). Strategies to Implement Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace. Nurse Leader.
Chiou, E. K., Holden, R. J., Ghosh, S., Flores, Y., & Roscoe, R. D. (2022, September). Recruitment, Admissions, Hiring, Retention, and Promotion: Mechanisms of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Belonging in Higher Education. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 135-138). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Johnson, N. N. (2022). Central office leadership: The importance of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the ivory tower. In Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Educational Management Practices (pp. 14-32). IGI Global.