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Research Data Sharing at WashU

This guide is designed to support WashU researchers to effectively share data and materials generated as a result of their research.

Organize your Deposit

☐ Organize your project folders and files appropriately and logically.

☐ Create consistent and meaningful labels for any data headers, file and folder names, and variables.

☐ Consider transforming your files into open, non-proprietary file formats to assist with long-term preservation.

Prepare Data Documentation

☐ Create a read-me file for your deposit that includes (at the minimum) the following information. A README file is required in WURD. 

Basic README Elements:

  • Project Title
  • Author/creator
  • Author contact information
  • Description or abstract
  • Rights for reuse (see “Deposit Rights & Licensing” below for more information)
  • An inventory of file names and brief description
  • Dates of data collection
  • Data collection methods
  • Related publications, code, or other digital asset
  • Funder information
  • Software or hardware dependencies

☐ Spell out all acronyms or abbreviations; create a data dictionary if necessary.

☐ For more information about managing your research, review the file management protocols provided by the Libraries. 

Deposit Rights & Licensing

☐ Determine if you have the necessary permissions to make the deposit available. If you have questions about this, or other legal or ethical issues for data sharing that may need to be addressed. For more information, visit this guide.

☐  Evaluate under what conditions will you make the deposit available for re-use. Consider assigning a creative commons license.

☐  Determine what constraints would you like to place on the licensing of the deposit (e.g. non-commercial use only, attribution required).

Sharing & Permissions

☐ De-identify or anonymize the files. WashU Libraries cannot accept any private, confidential, or other legally protected information (such as personally identifiable or protected health information, education records, trade secrets, etc.).

☐  What constraints would you like to place on access to the deposit (e.g. embargoes, restricted access).

☐  Indicate any right-of-first use for the data collector, data creator, or principal investigator.