Proxy Borrowing
As a RA, you will be borrowing materials for your faculty member from the law library and the other libraries on campus. To avoid fines and to track materials, we advise RAs to become proxy borrowers for their faculty members. This enables you to check out materials that your faculty member will use in that person’s name. If you are checking out materials for your own personal use (this includes materials you are personally using in your role as a RA), please use your id card.
How to Become a Proxy Borrower: Forms for proxy borrowers are available at the law library circulation desk. This form needs to be completed by both you and your faculty member. Once complete, the form needs to go to two places. First, give a copy of the form to Susan Mueller, Circulation Manager. She will make you a proxy borrower for your faculty member for the Law Library. Second, you need to take the form to Olin Library’s circulation desk. There, you will be given special proxy card to use when checking materials out for your professor at other Danforth Campus Libraries. You will need this card and your campus ID when checking materials out at the other libraries. Proxies are valid until such time as the faculty member indicates, or August 31st – whichever occurs first.
Special Note about Loan Periods: Please be conscientious about when library books checked out in your name are due. Although we can sometimes make special accommodations at the law library, we cannot help you with fines, etc., from other libraries. Loan Periods for Law Faculty: Law library materials checked out to our faculty (either by them or by you as their proxy) on an as needed basis. As a courtesy, the law library will renew books for faculty from other Wash. U. libraries. Materials from other Wash. U. libraries generally circulate to faculty for ninety days (books), three days (bound journals), or 24 hours (unbound journals). These materials may be renewed up to eight times.
Loan Periods for Students: Law library materials checked out to RAs have a four week loan period and may be renewed unless recalled by another patron. Materials from other Wash. U. libraries generally circulate to graduate students for sixty days (books), three days (bound journals) and 24 hours (unbound journals). Undergraduate students have shorter loan periods: two weeks for law materials and usually four weeks from other campus libraries.