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Working with Scalar for Digital Projects

This is a short introductory guide to using the Scalar publishing platform.

Using Media

All the media in your Scalar book is added by linking out to media objects from the pages you create. When Scalar displays your page, it takes the links that you have added and turns them into media players allowing your users access.

Steps to using Media:

  1. Import the media you want to use
  2. Create the page you want to use it on
  3. Link the media to that page

When you go to create a new page, the text editor has a number of tools dedicated to working with media in Scalar. These are found at the top right of the editor.

Insert Scalar Media Link The Insert Scalar Media Link button creates a hyperlink to the media object and displays it on the page. 

Insert Inline Scalar Media Link  The Insert Inline Scalar Media Link button inserts an inline citation to a media file that will be embedded at the selected location on the page.

Insert Scalar Note  The Insert Scalar Note button inserts a "note-style" (similar to footnotes) link to Scalar content. This button will produce a link that, when rolled over, will produce a small pop-up window preview of the linked content.

Insert Link to Another Scalar Page The Insert Link to Another Scalar Page button inserts a link to Scalar content. No media will be embedded on the page, but when rolled over, a title and the description of the content will be displayed.This is different from ordinary linking because Scalar links content like a database. Ordinary linking will not allow you to build widgets, visualizations, and use Scalar's other features with your linked content. 

The Insert External Link button will add a typical hyperlink to external content by using the URL you insert. The Insert External Link button will add a typical hyperlink to external content by using the URL you insert.