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Working with Scalar for Digital Projects

This is a short introductory guide to using the Scalar publishing platform.


Scalar automatically sets your book’s URL to private while you work. To make your book viewable by the public, navigate to the Properties tab of the book Dashboard.

Under Permissions select “No login required” and “Can be found in Scalar index and by search engines.”

Now your book can be viewed by anyone. This action can be reversed at any time.

The Properties tab of the book Dashboard.

Other Publishing Options

If you want to make your book visible only to a select group—beta readers or students in your class—simply add readers under the “Users” tab in the Book Dashboard by selecting Add new user. Each user should first create an account with Scalar. Once they have done this, you will be able to search for them by name and add them to your book as reader, reviewer, commentator, or editor.